Friday, June 8, 2012

Video Spotlight: Garden of Your Mind

It's a weird time in my life.  I'm what I've been calling "in between."  Everything is in transition.  Nothing is particularly steadfast or certain.  I have no job.  I have no permanent home. (And with those things come no income, no health insurance, no financial security -- no fun things like that.)  Making decisions has never been my strength and figuring out what to do with my life -- or even just the next step -- is daunting.  It's easy to wish and dream.  But hard to make a real life.  So, some days are hard.

Yesterday PBS Digital Studios posted their very first video to YouTube.  It's called "Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind," it was created by the very talented melodysheep (aka John Boswell), and it's brilliant.  (I like melodysheep's video "We Are Stardust" too.  It says, "Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded.  You are all stardust.")

When I was a child I, like many others, was an avid Mister Rogers watcher.  I vividly remember going to the crayon factory and visiting the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe and feeling safe.  Mister Rogers was a trusted friend.  (And I had lace-up "sneakers" just like his.)  So, it seems oddly appropriate that as an adult Mister Rogers still brings me comfort.  I watch this video and feel a sense of hope and of possibility.  And I'm reminded that it's okay to be me.  Sure, that makes me cheesy or sentimental or both, but I'm happy to give thanks to a guy who was in my life as a child and is still in my life as an adult.  What a legacy he built for an entire generation.

Anyway, check out melodysheep's remix:

And, if you ever need a pick me up, a handful of Mister Rogers' episodes are free to watch on PBS.