Monday, February 7, 2011


I must confess.  I am rather infatuated with Darren Criss.  (Not in the "Yeah, we hang out and actually really like each other and frequently chat about the intricacies of our personal day-to-day lives" sorta way, but in the "I've never met you, probably never will, and yet I think you are truly delightful" kind of way.)

There are many reasons.  Here are a few:
  • 1.  He's crazy talented.  (I mean, have you SEEN him sing?!  Go watch this right now!)
  • 2.  He makes me laugh.  (Did you watch the Harry Potter Musical?  You should.)
  • 3.  He ROCKS the pink shades.
  • 4.  He knows and acknowledges his own roots and he's a man comfortable enough with his own sexuality to say what needs to be said.  And he does it explicitly and with kindness.  True ally.
  • 5.  He seems genuinely joy-filled.

Watch this:

Also, I have a favorite Darren Criss quotation.  It is this:
“Be nice to people because nobody likes an asshole.”

I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for this talented man.

UPDATE 5/28/11:  Hahaha.  Deliciously true.  

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